No Video from Receiver in RVMedia v5.01

RVMedia support and discussion (components for displaying and controlling IP cameras, webcams, video conferencing, video chats, recording audio and video files)
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No Video from Receiver in RVMedia v5.01

Post by benitomuso »

Hello. I'm evaluating the RVMedia components for a bi-directional videophone feature of an application. First I made an implementation based on the v4 and it worked OK.

Essentialy I took the SendAndReceive example, and implemented the same in both peers, but with crossed receiver IP Ports.

When I implemented it in the RVMedia v5.01 (the same code that used to work in RVMedia 4, using the same code initialization of the SendAndReceive example), doesn't display received video. You see local video from the RVCamera, you hear audio from the remote, the BandWidth Meter is showing the flow, the clock of the receiver is indicating progress, but you don't see the incoming video itself. Even if you send commands there are transferred witout any trouble.

Do you know what could be happening? As I told you the same code with v4 was working.

Thank you. Regards, Pablo
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Post by WpgnGaming »

What version of delphi you running and have you made sure that the receive vcl is enabled and working?
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Post by benitomuso »

WpgnGaming wrote:What version of delphi you running and have you made sure that the receive vcl is enabled and working?
I'm running RAD Studio XE8, update 1.

100% the same code, where I have buttons for Active:=true/Active:=false with version 4 of RVMedia works and with v5 it doesn't show video.

As I said: I have audio, and bandwidth meter show activity, so I think that there is no doubt that the Receiver is Active. The problem is that my video window is blank (blue or white depending the background color choosen).

Regards, Pablo
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Does SendAndReceive demo works on your computer?

Can you reproduce the problem on a relatively simple project and send it to me?
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Also, please pay the attention to value of TRVCamReceiver.Senders collection
(check both the code and value set at design time).
In version 4, some properties of items in this collection were ignored. Now they are processed according to the documentation, and may filter received data.
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Post by benitomuso »

Sergey Tkachenko wrote:Also, please pay the attention to value of TRVCamReceiver.Senders collection
(check both the code and value set at design time).
In version 4, some properties of items in this collection were ignored. Now they are processed according to the documentation, and may filter received data.
Spasivo Sergei.

I will take a look to the collection you mention.

Regarding the first questions, yes, all the demos work OK in my computer (and I tested this in two different PCs even, with same results). Even if I run my application simultaneously with the SendAndReceive demo, I can send from my app, and receive in yours without any problem. But the other way with the v5 components happens the same as a pear to pear of my app: receiving plays sound, show activity in the bandwidth meter but doesn't produce video.

I use several 3rd party components, so it isn't so easy to send you some working isolated unit.

I will see at the documentation how to use them in detail. Is there a clear example in v5.0.1 about their use?

Regards, Pablo
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

SendAndReceive\TwoApps is a very basic example, almost no unnecessary code.

Important property settings in the Receiver application:
1) RVCamReceiver1.Senders collection (it contains 4 items, with each item's GUIDFrom = identifier of one of Sender clients). This property allows to accept data only from clients having the specified identifiers.
2) RVCamMultiView1.Viewers collection (it contains 4 items, each items connected to RVCamReceiver1, and each item's GUIDFrom = identifier of one of Sender clients).
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Post by benitomuso »

Sergey Tkachenko wrote:SendAndReceive\TwoApps is a very basic example, almost no unnecessary code.

Important property settings in the Receiver application:
1) RVCamReceiver1.Senders collection (it contains 4 items, with each item's GUIDFrom = identifier of one of Sender clients). This property allows to accept data only from clients having the specified identifiers.
2) RVCamMultiView1.Viewers collection (it contains 4 items, each items connected to RVCamReceiver1, and each item's GUIDFrom = identifier of one of Sender clients).
Thank you Sergey

I investigated a little more without good news. Eventhough, I rwalized that the Demos neither worked OK. Even I have tested the compiled demos and they give an exception on the SendAndReceive when you want to start the Receiver.

But here is something interesting. Look at this pic: ... ia-01r.png

There you can see what I mentioned: Sender and Receiver are started. You have real traffic between them (seen in the traffic meter and in labels), destination video has its clock running, you can send commands, audio is recived, but the screen will always say: "No Video". Everything is standard. This same project with v4 works like a charm in the same computer.

But this other pic show only encoding changed from JPEG to HWL. After having stopped and restarted the Sender/Receive, I see this: ... ia-02r.png
Image is extremely low, but I have video flow.

So it doen't seem to be a real filter regarding GUIs or whatever, because all the rest is the same, but a video transmission problem.

Any ideas?

Regards, Pablo
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Compiled demos can send bug reports on exceptions. Please send a bug to us.
(HWL should not be used; it appeared it has no advantages comparing to jpegs, and too sensitive to errors in transmission, up to crashes)

Do you use source code of the demo from RVMedia 4 or RVMedia 5?

Does the problem happen only with webcam, or it also happens when you choose some camera from Internet?


We will make a new demo compiled with the current version of RVMedia, but we need a couple of days to prepare it.
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Post by benitomuso »

Sergey Tkachenko wrote:Compiled demos can send bug reports on exceptions. Please send a bug to us.
(HWL should not be used; it appeared it has no advantages comparing to jpegs, and too sensitive to errors in transmission, up to crashes)

Do you use source code of the demo from RVMedia 4 or RVMedia 5?

Does the problem happen only with webcam, or it also happens when you choose some camera from Internet?


We will make a new demo compiled with the current version of RVMedia, but we need a couple of days to prepare it.
With IP or Web Cameras the same happens.

For testing I'm using the v5 Source Demos.

It wasn't my intention to use the HWL encoding. I set it up just to let you know that video flow can be achieved even under these conditions. The video is not recived only in standard jpeg format. Png works too (slowly).

Regards, Pablo
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

I receive your email, see my reply.
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Re: No Video from Receiver in RVMedia v5.01


Hi Sergey,

I have exactly the same issue with RVMedia 5.01, and the SendAndReceive demo : there is no way to get the video flow from the remote camera, unless the encoding option is set to HWL.

Is there any documentation available to properly set the parameters ? Any reason for the video flow not running ? Or any update that fixs this issue ?

Kind regards

Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: No Video from Receiver in RVMedia v5.01

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

The original bug (reported by benitomuso) was because of the presence of Intel JPEG library.
When it's available, RVMedia uses it instead of TJPEGImage for JPEG decoding/encoding, because it is faster.
Unfortunately, RVMedia 5 has a bug related to IJL support.
A quick fix to disable using IJL is to make change in the unit MRVImg.pas, change:
CoderType := rvctAuto;
CoderType := rvctStandart;

IJL support is fixed in the new version, I hope to release a beta soon.
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Re: No Video from Receiver in RVMedia v5.01


Many thanks, Sergei : it works.

Surprisingly, it works with a protocol = rvpUDP and ConnectionType = rvtcpReceiverToSender

while the documentation recommends protocol = rvTCP when ConnectionType = tvtcpReceiverToSender

But it works : this is the main point.

I am eager to acquire the next update.

Have a nice sunday

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