- components themselves
- help file
- video demonstrations
- demo project (the first version will include a single demo project that you can see in videos)
- icons for new actions
In progress: installer and packages.
IT'S A LOT OF WORK, because
1) we decided to use a traditional package scheme (32+64bit runtime package and 32bit designtime package) instead of the current package scheme (64bit runtime package and 32bit designtime package). We already modified our installer to support the both schemes, but...
Initially, I thought to keep the old scheme for TRichView and ScaleRichView, and use a new scheme for Report Workshop. But it appeared that it is impossible in new versions of RAD Studio (a runtime package cannot depend on a designtime package referring to designide). So we need to modify all TRichView and ScaleRichView packages.
RVPkg, RVDBPkg, RichViewActions, RVXML, RVHTML, SRVPkg, DBSRVPkg, SRVControls packages, x2 (runtime + designtime), x2 (Delphi + C++Builder). For all versions of Delphi and C++Builder from 4 to 10.1 Berlin.
2) Each data provider for Report Workshop requires a special package, because it requires thirdparty packages that may be not installed. Totally, it's several hundreds of packages. It's almost impossible to create them manually, so we need to generate them from templates.
I still believe that we can complete this work in this month.
Meanwhile, we will publish exe-demos.
The current state of the project
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Well, making and changing the package files manually appeared too complicated, several hours for a single version of RAD Studio.
So we are creating an utility to generate packages for any version of Delphi and C++Builder. It appeared more easy than I thought, and definitely will be faster than making all packages manually.
And it will help in future:
- adding a new unit to all packages will take a minute instead of hours,
- we will be able to create packages for all thirdparty addons (such as ReportBuilder or DevExpress wrappers)
- we will be able to configure RichViewActions in the installer
So we are creating an utility to generate packages for any version of Delphi and C++Builder. It appeared more easy than I thought, and definitely will be faster than making all packages manually.
And it will help in future:
- adding a new unit to all packages will take a minute instead of hours,
- we will be able to create packages for all thirdparty addons (such as ReportBuilder or DevExpress wrappers)
- we will be able to configure RichViewActions in the installer
Have you considered GetIt on recent versions of Delphi ? ... n/en/GetIt ... n/en/GetIt
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I don't know the specifics but it is very easy to use from an end-user point of view. Also, it looks like Embarcadero is trying to expand it. See: ... ry&id=8572
It might be worth contacting them to get more details.
It might be worth contacting them to get more details.
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Now, when we've released TRichView and RVMedia updates, we returned back to Report Workshop.
Currently, we finished making all the packages. Since any data provider must be placed in a separate package, there are a huge number of packages (almost 600 Delphi packages and more than 400 Ñ++Builder packages).
The help file is also completed, you can see it here:
We just need to create several simple demo projects (in addition to the demo used in video tutorials), and the components will be ready to the release.
I hope it will be done in the next week.
Currently, we finished making all the packages. Since any data provider must be placed in a separate package, there are a huge number of packages (almost 600 Delphi packages and more than 400 Ñ++Builder packages).
The help file is also completed, you can see it here:
We just need to create several simple demo projects (in addition to the demo used in video tutorials), and the components will be ready to the release.
I hope it will be done in the next week.
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