Header and footer don't print in TDBRichViewEdit

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Header and footer don't print in TDBRichViewEdit

Post by AlbertDasi »


In the editor I have a TDBRichViewEdit. I assign a values for header and footer:
RVA_HeaderInfo.Text := 'this is a header';
RVA_FooteriNFO.Text := 'this is a footer';

In the page setup shows correctly the value assigned in RVA_HeaderInfo.Text and RVA_FooteriNFO.Text, also when I print in the edit shows the footer and header.

The problem is after save the report in the database and show it in a TDBRichViewEdit (or TDBRichView) and print it don't show the footer and header. What I do to show footer and header when I print??

My version of DBRichViewEdit is 11.0.5 and I use Delphi 6.
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

RVA_Header/FooterInfo are used only when you print using TrvActionPrint ot TrvActionQuickPrint, and they are not saved in documents.
If you want to save them, see http://www.trichview.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3196
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Post by AlbertDasi »

Thank you for the information.
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Header and footer in PDF

Post by AlbertDasi »


I print header and footer correctly using TrvActionPrint but now I'll like to show the footer and header in a PDF document.

I try this:

Code: Select all

rve2     := TRichView(DBRichview1);

RVEFooter.InsertText('footer page test');

RVPdf.RichView := Rve2;

DBRichview1 is a TDBRichView
rveFooter os a TrichViewEdit
RVPDF is a TRichViewPDF.

The compilation of the code is OK but in the generate PDF doesn't show the footer. Any advice?

Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

RichViewActions use TRVPrint.OnPagePrepaint to draw a header and a footer. They are drawn if printing is made using TRVPrint, and only by the specific actions.

TRichViewPDF - is this an old PDF component what is not available now?
I do not have its code now, but I suppose it uses TRVReportHelper to draw pages.
In order to draw a header or a footer, you need to modify its code: find the place of the code where it calls RVReportHelper.DrawPage (or DrawPageAt), and use Canvas.TextOut to draw the header/footer at the same coordinates.
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Post by AlbertDasi »

Thank your very much Sergey!

I modified TRVReportHelper.DrawPageAt in RVReport unit, and TRichViewPDF.SaveToPDFFile in trvpdf unit and works fine!

Code: Select all

procedure TRVReportHelper.DrawPageAtWithHeaderAndFooter(Left, Top, APageNo: Integer;
  ACanvas: TCanvas; APreview: Boolean; AHeight: Integer;header:string;footer:string);
var pt: TPoint;
  SetWindowOrgEx(ACanvas.Handle, -Left, -Top, @pt);
    DrawPage(APageNo, ACanvas, APreview, AHeight);
    acanvas.TextOut(-Left, -Top,header); //Grava capçalera
    acanvas.TextOut(-Left, AHeight,footer); //Grava peu de pàgina
    SetWindowOrgEx(ACanvas.Handle, pt.x, pt.y, nil);

Code: Select all

procedure TRichViewPDF.SaveToPDFFileWithHeaderAndFooter(FileName: string; Header: string; Footer: String); 
  i, Parent, DocWidth, DocHeight, ATop, ALeft, ARight, ABottom: integer;
  ms: TMemoryStream;
  OldCursor: TCursor;
   FReportHelper.DrawPageAtWithHeaderAndFooter(ALeft, ATop, i + 1, FRolePDF.Canvas, false, DocHeight, header, footer);
Ah, TRichViewPDF is a freeware VCL component to print TRichView on TRolePDF.Canvas:
author: mohab elsherif
version 1.03
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