Update of ScaleRichView and SRVControls

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Sergey Tkachenko
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Update of ScaleRichView and SRVControls

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

New version of ScaleRichView and SRVControls include packages for Delphi and C++Builder XE.


A user interface for the ScaleRichView text processing components can be built using RichViewActions. The same actions can be used both for TRichViewEdit and for ScaleRichView, except for the printing actions. The printing actions (TsrvActionPrint, TsrvActionQuickPrint, TsrvActionPageSetup) were introduced in ScaleRichView 3.0.
In this version, we included 18 new actions created specially for ScaleRichView:
  • actions for changing viewing modes (TsrvActionLayoutDraft, TsrvActionLayoutWeb, TsrvActionLayoutPrint)
  • actions for zooming (TsrvActionZoom, TsrvActionZoomPageWidth, TsrvActionZoomFullPage)
  • action for switching to print preview mode (TsrvActionPreview)
  • action for showing/hiding page thumbnails (TsrvActionThumbnails)
  • actions for changing page parameters (TsrvActionPageFormat, TsrvActionOrientationPortrait, TsrvActionOrientationLandscape)
  • actions for working with headers and footers (TsrvActionEditHeader, TsrvActionEditFooter, TsrvActionEditMain)
  • actions for working with footnotes and endnotes (TsrvActionInsertFootnote, TsrvActionInsertEndnote, TsrvActionEditNote, TsrvActionReturnToNote)
In addition, TsrvActionPageSetup can define the positions of a header and a footer.
Because of these new actions, the ActionTest demo for ScaleRichView was greatly simplified, has new functionality, is completely localizable.

In this version, ScaleRichView editor allows editing footnotes and endnotes. This new feature is full-functional (but it still needs to be optimized). Limitation: a text of a footnote or an endnote must not exceed a page height, because page breaks inside text of notes are not supported (TRichViewEdit has this limitation only for footnotes).

Full size

ScaleRichView editor can be zoomed in and out using the mouse wheel (if the user presses and holds Ctrl key).

There are more changes, the complete list can be found here: http://trichview.com/help-scalerichview/new_4_0.htm

Previous version:
Last edited by Sergey Tkachenko on Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sergey Tkachenko
Site Admin
Posts: 17721
Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:28 am

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »


SRVControls is a set of components created for insertion in ScaleRichView editor (but they can be used on a form as well).
In ScaleRichView version 3.0, we already included TSRVButton, TSRVCheckBox, TSRVEdit, TSRVGroupBox, TSRVLabel, TSRVPaintBox, TSRVPanel, TSRVRadioButton.

In this update, we included 3 new controls: TSRVComboBox, TSRVListBox and TSRVImagesScroll.
TSRVComboBox, TSRVListBox are not just analogs of TComboBox and TListBox. In these lists, items are not simple text. They can contain images, checkboxes (for list box), text with custom fonts and colors. Additionally, indents of items define a hierarchy, items can be expanded/collapsed, working like in a tree view.
TSRVImagesScroll is similar to TSRVTabSet, but display not a set of tabs but a set of images, and scrolls them using a scroll bar.

In this update, TSRVThemeManager can apply skins to all these SRVControls. Skin is a set of images, colors, fonts and rules (schemes) for applying them to controls.
Sergey Tkachenko
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Posts: 17721
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

New demo projects for ScaleRichView and SRVControls.
They can be found in Demos\Controls\ directory.



This demo implements a search-on-type feature.
It shows how to use edit hints (suggestions) in TSRVEdit. It creates suggestions from words in the document.

The demo uses skins in TSRVPanel and TSRVButton controls



This demo shows how to use TSRVTabSet control to switch between document view modes.
In addition to standard view modes, it shows:
- document structure in TTreeView (using the code from http://www.trichview.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3627)
- table of contents



This demo shows how to use TSRVTabSet and TSRVImagesScroll to choose a content to display in TSRichViewEdit.
In addition to skins, this demo shows how to use custom drawing events to apply special effects to TSRVImagesScroll (shading at left and right, reflection at bottom)



This demo shows how to create a catalog / ordering form inside TSRichViewEdit control.
This form can be printed.
+ One more idea how to use suggestions in TSRVEdit.



This demo shows how to use TRichView + SRVControls to implement UI for a mail client.



This demo shows how to use TRichViewEdit + SRVControls to implement UI for a chat/messenger.
Sergey Tkachenko
Site Admin
Posts: 17721
Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:28 am

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

New demo projects for custom drawing in ScaleRichView.
They can be found in Demos\CustomDraw\ directory.

PageBorder - shows how to use OnPaint event to draw a custom page border. This demo uses metafiles to draw a fancy frame; you can create a code for drawing shadow, for example.

Rectangles\DrawAll shows how to use OnPaintPage event for drawing rectangles around all items.
Rectangles\DrawAtCaret similar, but draws a rectangle around the current item (at the caret position)
Rectangles\DrawAtCursor similar, but draws a rectangle around the item below the mouse pointer.
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