How to get n chars (a string) after a string found....

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How to get n chars (a string) after a string found....

Post by Tavo »

I have to search within a TRichView a text preceded by a specific string, in example:

'Word1 Word2 blabla blabla bla bla
more bla bla and more bla bla bla

I Want to extract '0123456789' (10 chars after 'beginhere').

How can I do it? Should I seek with SearchText() first?

Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

SearchText selects the found text.
Call RichViewEdit.TopLevelEditor.GetSelectionBounds to get the position of the selected text. After that you can get text around this position (using GetItemText, GetItemStyle, ItemCount and may be IsFromNewLine methods of RichViewEdit.TopLevelEditor)
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Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Post by Tavo »

Sergey, thanks for the answer. With your help I could do the following. I made my own GetNCharsFromSearch() function:

Given a string (in a TRichViewEdit): "Borland has committed suicide. And only remains in our memory."

I call..

GetNCharsFromSearch( RVE, 'land', 27)

I Get = ' has committed suicide. And' (27 chars)

I do not know if this is the best way. This is the code for those who want to take a look.

Code: Select all

Function GetNCharsFromSearch(
                              rv     : TRichViewEdit ;
                              Cadena : String        ;
                              NChars : Integer
                             ) : String ;

var  No1, No2, Offs1, Offs2: Integer;
     Tmp : String ;
     NItem : Integer ;

  If rv.SearchText( Cadena, [rvseoDown] ) then begin

     Tmp := rv.TopLevelEditor.GetItemText(No1) ;
     Result := Copy(Tmp ,Offs2, (Length(Tmp)-Offs2)+1 ) ;

     NItem := No2 ;

     While (Length(Result)<NChars) and (NItem<rv.ItemCount) do begin
        Inc(NItem) ;
        Result := Result + rv.TopLevelEditor.GetItemText(NItem) ;
     end ;
     Result := Copy(Result,1, NChars) ;
  end ;

end ;

Sergey Tkachenko
Site Admin
Posts: 17569
Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:28 am

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »


Code: Select all

    While (Length(Result)<NChars) and (NItem<rv.ItemCount) do begin 
        Inc(NItem) ; 
        Result := Result + rv.TopLevelEditor.GetItemText(NItem) ; 

Code: Select all

    Inc(NItem) ; 
    While (Length(Result)<NChars) and (NItem<rv.ItemCount) do begin 
        if rv.TopLevelEditor.GetItemStyle(NItem)>=0 then
          Result := Result + rv.TopLevelEditor.GetItemText(NItem) 
        else if rv.TopLevelEditor.GetItemStyle(NItem)=rvsTab then
          Result := Result + #9; 
        Inc(NItem) ; 
Also, do you want to accumulate text even if it belons to several paragraphs? If not, add

Code: Select all

  if rv.TopLevelEditor.IsFromNewLine(NItem) then
at the beginning of this cycle.
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