Report builder wrapper question...

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Report builder wrapper question...

Post by Guest »

I'm evalutating RichView ReportBuilder Wrapper V1.6 with Reportbulder 7.0x. Seems to work fine.
But I'm not getting it work with a JIT Pipeline delivering data.
A formatted text from a normal tRichView Komponent on a form should be available within reports.
I'm tunneling that text data to the report through a JITPipeline from reportbuilder.
That's my sample code:

Code: Select all

function TForm_AAW_Print.ppJITPipeline_AAW_WerbungGetFieldValue(
  aFieldName: String): Variant;
var StrS : TStringStream;
  if afieldname='' then Exit;
  If afieldname='WerbetextRTF' then
      StrS := TStringStream.Create('');
        Result := StrS.DataString;
As you can see, a field named "WerbetextRTF" shall return then rtf-text from component Form_Konfiguration.Richtext_AAW_Werbung1.Rve.

This function is working well, when I use a standard DBRichText field, but not when I use a DBRichview component.
Any idea about it?
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Sorry, I am not familiar with JIP Pipeline.

What is Richtext_AAW_Werbung1?
What is Richtext_AAW_Werbung1.Rve?
As I understand, it's expected that the document will be loaded in Richtext_AAW_Werbung1.Rve, but I do not know how.

But is Richtext_AAW_Werbung1.Rve is a TCustomRichView, your function should return its RTF representation, as expected.

Post by Guest »

"Richtext_AAW_Werbung1" is a frame containing the TRichviewEdit component as well as the styler, popupmenu, control panel etc.
"rve" is the richviewedit itself in the frame.
I'll use this frame on several places within my application to have the same richview settings and behaviour all over my application.
So basically the naming is "form.frame.richviewedit", where the form name is not used here (TForm_AAW_Print).
That function IS correctly returning the RTF stream as a string.
It's working as connecting a DBRichText reportbuilder field to it proofs.
But the DBRichview is just showing an empty field.
JITPipeline is a way to use a application specific way to feed data into reportbuilder (instead of using the dbpipeline which get's the data from a BDE or dbexpress table).
Sergey Tkachenko
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Posts: 17677
Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:28 am

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Can you send me a project reproducing this problem?

Post by Guest »

I'll see, if I can create one on the next weekend...

Post by Guest »

I think I made it. check your personal mail for the zip file with a short demo project.

Try to compile it with: Richview 1.9x, Reportbuilder 7.02, RichViewActions and Richview report builder wrapper for RB 7.x

Running the application: Type some text in the RichView Edit and press button "report to screen".
On the report preview increase the zoom factor if necessary and you can see:
DBrichtext is displaying the text, while DBrichview is not.
Both fields are fed from the same JITpipeline field.
Sergey Tkachenko
Site Admin
Posts: 17677
Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:28 am

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

I received your e-mail, thank you.
Sorry, I can test your example only in the beginning of the next week, because tomorrow I am leaving for on ISDEF conference for the remainder of this week.

Post by Guest »

No problem. I'm working on something else at the moment and will return to this special issue approx. end of next week.

Post by Guest »

did you find the time to have a look at the sample project I sent you?
Can you at least replicate the problem?
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