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by MikeDunn
Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:23 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: Missing RichView components for Addict3.5
Replies: 10
Views: 22190

I downloaded the new updates. I was able to revert back to supporting the v10.0 stuff yesterday and compiled fine. Will try to update everything and let you know if I have any more trouble.

by MikeDunn
Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:48 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: Missing RichView components for Addict3.5
Replies: 10
Views: 22190

I purchased RichView on April 15, 2008... is this not the latest version? If it is not, where do I get version 10.3 as I can find no links on your website to this updated version 10.3. I must assume then that what I purchased was version 10.0 not 10.3. I will try downloading the older advr3 instead ...
by MikeDunn
Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:24 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: Missing RichView components for Addict3.5
Replies: 10
Views: 22190

Sergey, I downloaded the latest version from the link you sent ( I have all the .DCU's now so I am not missing any components/units, but when I try to run my project, it displays errors in compiling the adsRichView.pas. I tried to recompile the the Addict3_RichView_d2007.dproj by itself ...
by MikeDunn
Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:03 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: rvrb102006.bpl not compatible with RB10.10.5
Replies: 3
Views: 10725

I was able to create the new .dproj for D2007, compile and install it, but I did get an error..... "Error creating form: Ancestor for TfrmCustomppRichViewEditor not found" I don't know if this error will effect me when I try to compile my actual project, but it did compile the D2007.dproj and ...
by MikeDunn
Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:57 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: Missing RichView components for Addict3.5
Replies: 10
Views: 22190

Since I didn't have a .dcu for it, the only way I know of to get a .dcu was to add it to the project and recomplie, then install. I was able to do that and now have the unit avaialable and recognized. I am still missing the ad3RichViewCmpnts. It was not part of the source files for RichView ...
by MikeDunn
Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:49 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: Missing RichView components for Addict3.5
Replies: 10
Views: 22190

You are correct that unit is included with the downloaded file However the RVAAddictLanguages.pas is not included in the RichViewD2007.dproj (bpl). I am assuming that it should be part of that library and that I can add it since I have the .pas file, then recompile. Is that ...
by MikeDunn
Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:24 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: Missing RichView components for Addict3.5
Replies: 10
Views: 22190

Missing RichView components for Addict3.5

Hi, I am a beginner. Clean install of Delphi2007 RAD for Win32. Purchased latest version of RichView April 15, 2008. Installed latest version of Addict 3.5. Trying to work on an existing project that uses RVAAddictLanguages and ad3RichViewCmpnts. I have compiled and installed RichViewActions but the ...
by MikeDunn
Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:06 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: rvrb102006.bpl not compatible with RB10.10.5
Replies: 3
Views: 10725

rvrb102006.bpl not compatible with RB10.10.5

Hi, I am a beginner. Clean install of Delphi2007 RAD for Win32. Purchased latest version of RichView April 15, 2008. Installed latest version of ReportBuilder v10. Trying to work on an existing project that uses ppRichView. Downloaded the TRichView Wrapper for ReportBuilder 10. When trying to ...