Re: Titles for HotPictures in HTML

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Yernar Shambayev

Posted: 10/25/2004 17:27:36

Try this:

  if RVData.GetItemStyle(ItemNo) = rvsHotPicture then

    if SaveFormat = rvsfHTML then

      Extras := 'alt="Click here!"';

"Pieter E." <> wrote:


>I'd like to insert titles for HTML-files.


>I use the following source:

>void __fastcall TTekstFrame1::rveWriteHyperlink(TCustomRichView *Sender,

>int id, TCustomRVData *RVData, int ItemNo, RVSaveFormat SaveFormat, AnsiString

>&Target, AnsiString &Extras)


>  Target = (char *)RVData->GetItemTag(ItemNo);

>  if(SaveFormat == rvsfHTML) Extras = "title=\"Click here!\"";




>The title of the hyperlinks shows correct in an internetbrowser. But when

>the hyperlink is a HotPicture the title doesn't show.


>The title is nested in the 'hyperlink row' and it should be in the 'image

>row' of the html source.


>Do you have an idea?




>Pieter E.

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