Re: setting the left margin

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Posted: 03/16/2003 21:31:14

Further to my question above, When I change the leftmargin, from 15 to 5 it

seems that the paragrah above also changes.

Let's say I change line 4 left margin from 15 to 5, the line above it(line

3) also  moves to back to 5(leftmargin) but not lines 3,2 or 1.


"Allen" <> wrote:



>I want to set the LEFT margin of a certain paragraph from say 5 to 15. What

>is the best way to achieve this?


>I want this because, I want a certain paragrahs group ( say lines 5 to 8/

>or paragraphs 5 to 8) to have a margin of 15 and the one following it will

>be back to normal at 5.


>Besides, it seems that when I use the followings:

>procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);


> rve.LeftMargin:= 15;  rve.InsertText('doo');



>procedure TForm1.BitBtn2Click(Sender: TObject);


>rve.leftmargin := 5;// The blinking cursor is lost from screen and I have

>to use the mouse click to get back the cursor. How can I position the cursor

>automatically after changing the margin?





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