Re: Select an item

Return to index



Benedikt Weber

Posted: 09/15/2002 22:21:17

"Sergey Tkachenko" <> wrote in message


> PS: When you'll click in table, the whole table will be selected (in older

> version of RV, this may cause AV);

> To prevent this (select text in table cell instead), use

> rv_editor->TopLevelEditor instead of rv_editor.


Selecting the whole table is ok for me, especially since copy to clipboard

only works for whole tables and not for individual cells. The only minor

problem is when I select some cells (the whole table is subsequently

selcted) and then select something else. In this case I end up with the

cells selected and the new selection. (I guess the cells are not really

selected but only highlightend?)

BTW, was is ToplevelEditor ?


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