Re: Searching Multiple RVF's

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Posted: 12/28/2002 3:03:32

Thanks Sergey,

I've tried it, one small problem - loading the data from the blobfile using

the routine below, when I load RVF data that contains 'tags' (e.g. I have

used tags to store http:// address info), it generates a 'EConverError' on

the tag data, saying it is not a valid integer value.

Any ideas?


"Sergey Tkachenko" <> wrote:

>Currently, the best way to extract text from RVF field in the database -


>load it in hidden RichView and save as text:


>function LoadRVFFromField(rv: TCustomRichView; tbl: TTable;

>                          const FieldName: String): Boolean;

>var Stream: TStream;


>  Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;

>  try

>    TBlobField(tbl.FieldByName(FieldName)).SaveToStream(Stream);

>    Stream.Position := 0;

>    Result := rv.LoadRVFFromStream(Stream);

>  finally

>    Stream.Free;

>  end;




>You need not to format loaded document, so this operation is fast.



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