Re: Saving html image filenames

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Wietse Hagoort

Posted: 09/27/2004 22:27:13

Thanks this explains a lot.

But i tried to call SetCurrentItemExtraStrProperty in onRVFPictureNeeded,

but I cannot use it there.

It give a 'list out of bounds' error.

SetItemExtraStrProperty was not an option to, because I couldn't get the


I'm missing something, but I don't know what.

Could you explain a little more?

Regards, Wietse

"Sergey Tkachenko" <> wrote:

>rvsoUseItemImageFileNames option assumes that filenames are stored in the

>special property that can be get as RVData.GetItemExtraStrProperty(ItemNo,

>rvespImageFileName, Value) and set by the the

>RichViewEdit1.SetCurrentItemExtraStrProperty (or by

>SetItemExtraStrPropertyEd or SetItemExtraStrProperty).


>If rvsoUseItemImageFileNames is included in the Options parameter of

>SaveHTML/SaveHTMLEx, images with defined (non-empty) file names will not


>saved, but their file names will be written in HTML.


>This property was added in v1.9.

>Several code examples that were made before used item name for storing image

>file names.



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