Re: Russian Text & RichViewEdit

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Pieter E.

Posted: 09/28/2004 20:17:24

I found the error.

The error is in the 'for loop'. When I delete the loop, everything works


I took the 'for loop' from your demo ('International Accents')

Any ideas??

Pieter E.

"Pieter E." <> wrote:


>It works great!


>Still I have a problem...

>I use the following code:


>void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)


>RichViewEdit1->RTFReadProperties->UnicodeMode = rvruOnlyUnicode;  

>for(int i=0; i<RVStyle1->TextStyles->Count; i++)


>  RVStyle1->TextStyles->Items[i]->Unicode = true;

>  //RVStyle1->TextStyles->Items[i]->Charset = RUSSIAN_CHARSET;






>When I copy text from the clipboard or IE and I start typing, everything

>works. I can type English text in the Russian text.

>But when I start the application without any text, and I try to type English

>text, I get strange squares. (like this スススススススス)


>Do you have a clue?


>Thank you.


>(It doesn't matter if it is in Russian of English). 

>"Sergey Tkachenko" <> wrote:

>>The answer "why it happens" depends on which page you copied from.

>>Depending on this, data may be pasted either in RTF or in plain text format.

>>If content is pasted as RTF, '?????' is not normal, because RTF contains

>>language information.

>>If content is pasted as plain text, '?????' is normal when pasting in

>>non-Unicode editors in Win2k.


>>Technical Information:


>>In Unicode, if you know a character code, you know what this character


>>In non-Unicode text, you must also know the text language. Win2k assumes

>>that the language of the copied text is a language of keyboard at the moment

>>of copying. I believe you have English keyboard layout. So Win2k assumes

>>that the text language is English, and tries to convert the copied

>>characters to English. It's not an application's, it's a Window's feature.

>>You can get the copied text yourself as Clipboard.AsText, you'll see it

>>contains '??????????' instead of Russian characters.




>>If you need a multilingual application, use Unicode in TRichView.

>>For example, this "Accents" demo is Unicode.

>>What to do:

>>1) Set Unicode property of all text styles to True. In editing operations,

>>all new styles are usually based on existing styles, so they automatically

>>become Unicode.

>>3) Set RichView.RTFReadProperties.UnicodeMode = rvruOnlyUnicode to prevent

>>appearing non-Unicode characters when inserting/loading RTF

>>4) If you have existing RVF files that you need to load, you need to convert

>>them to Unicode (I can give code example)

>>5) Find if you use GetItemText, SetItemText, AddNL, AddTextNL methods and

>>replace them with GetItemTextA, SetItemTextA, AddNLATag, AddTextNLA

>>6) Read topic about Unicode in RichView help file.


>>Without using Unicode, Russian text can be pasted only

>>- if at the moment of copying Russian keyboard layout is active (otherwise


>>- current RichViewEdit's text style has RUSSIAN_CHARSET (otherwise

>>characters from the second half of the Western ANSI character codes will


>>used instead of Russian)






>>> (I use Win2k, TRichViewEdit v1.9.0.4, IE 6.0)


>>> I create a new Form and drop a RVStyle and RichViewEdit on it.

>>> The I compile the project, copy russian text from IE. The only characters

>>> I see, get are '?'...


>>> But when I compile the demo 'International Accents' and copy russian


>>> from IE, I get the Russian text copied.


>>> What do I do wrong?


>>> Thanks.


>>> Pieter E.




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