Re: RTF for numbered lists?

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Daniel Albuschat

Posted: 03/16/2004 18:23:48

Martin Holmes <> wrote:

>Hi there,


>Does anyone know what the simplest RTF token code would be for creating

>a numbered list? I'd like to put a sequence of questions on the

>clipboard in RTF format, for pasting into a word-processor document, and

>the code I see produced by Word for numbered lists is horrendously

>complicated. I'de just like something that's autonumbering with a

>hanging indent, or failing that, manually numbered with a hanging indent.

I think a simple List will be like


   {\listtext\plain 1.\tab}\plain foo\par

   {\listtext\plain 2.\tab}\plain bar


sorry, I don't know about autonumbering.

In exchange, would you show me the code you're using to

copy the rtf to the clipboard? ;-)

I'm doing something very similar at the moment (copying a

url to the clipboard to insert them to a TRichViewEdit),

but I get strange crashes when

calling SetClipboardData... I couldn't figure out what's




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