Re: Multiple lines in one RVData.SetItemText(i, value)

Return to index



Anderson Wilson

Posted: 06/16/2005 18:59:05


When you say is the same, you are wrong, because the field Data is a

BINARY field containg a rvf file format and NOT A STRING.

So when you change the content of the memorystream with a string the

method InsertRVFFromStream doesn't work!


Jim Maguire wrote:

> Thanks, but that's not it.  Here's an easy way to reproduce the problem:


> 1. Open the MailMerge2 demo

> 2. Comment out the

> TBlobField(Table1.FieldByName('Data')).SaveToStream(Result);

> 3. Insert these lines instead:


> var str: String;

>   ....

>   str := 'Insert this text in RVE';

>   Result.WriteBuffer(PChar(str)^, Length(str));

>   Result.Position := 0;


> //TBlobField(Table1.FieldByName('Data')).SaveToStream(Result);


> So now the only difference is I'm alway returning the TMemoryStream with the

> same string.


> "Anderson Wilson" <> wrote in message



>>Hi Jim,


>>I believe I found your problem.


>>You create a Stream containing a string not a RVF file and then you use

>>RichView2.InsertRVFFromStream method that EXPECTS an RVF format not a



>>I hope this help you




>>extracted from


>>  StringStream := TStringStream.Create('This is the first line');

>>  StringStream.Position := 0;

>>  RichEdit1.Lines.LoadFromStream( StringStream); // load stream contents

>>into memorich


>>  Result.LoadFromStream(StringStream);


>>  //TBlobField(Table1.FieldByName('Data')).SaveToStream(Result);

>>  Result.Position := 0;

>>  RichView2.Clear;

>>  RichView2.InsertRVFFromStream(Result, 0); // inserting will merge


>>    // RichView1 and RichView2 have the same collections of styles




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