Re: Loading RTF, extra line

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 10/10/2003 9:58:22

This code is correct (of course, assuming that editor.Format is called


So the error is somewhere in another place.

Useful information can be in the Call Stack window.

Compile your application without optimization, with stack frames, with all

debug info.

When exception occurs, open the Stack window (View | Debug Windows | Call

Stack) and send a screenshot to me

>   rtfStream := TStringStream.Create(oMessage.Text);

>   try

>     editor.Clear;

>     editor.LoadRTFFromStream(rtfStream);

>   finally

>     rtfStream.Free;

>   end;


> This is being used in an email application.  Our custom emails are saved

> into the database as rtf.  Above, oMessage.Text is the RTF code that was

> saved when the message was saved.

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