Re: Keep table in the same page and export richviewedit as RTF

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 02/07/2005 9:57:23

Ok, I'll add \trkeep\trkeepfollow for such tables.

But, in any case, it seems that MS Word ignores \trkeepfollow. In MS Word,

you can disallow line breaks inside a row, but not between rows.


> Hi,


> I've seen that the richviewedit control is able to keep tables in the same

> page like a printing option. However, when I export the richview contents

> (with some "protected" tables inside) as rtf  this table property is lost

> and I can't know about it when I read the rtf file from anyone rtf editor

> (richviewedit included).


> Why? Is it a bug? I need this table property in the export as rtf file.



> Thank you very much,


> Constantino Argüello


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