Re: InsertPagebreak Not work

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 08/18/2003 20:53:20

InsertPageBreak is an editing-style method. It requires formatted document

(and should not be mixed with viewer-style methods like AddTextBlockNL, see

"Viewer vs Editor" topic of the help file).

In your case:

RichViewEdit1->AddTextBlockNL("Tiendas Chapur, S.A. de C.V.",13,0);

RichViewEdit1->PageBreaksBeforeItems[RichViewEdit1->ItemCount-1] = true;

and so on

>   RichViewEdit1->AddTextBlockNL("Calle 63 # 474  54-56 Centro - 97000


> Yucatán.",14,0);

>   RichViewEdit1->AddTextBlockNL("Tel. : 9302800  Fax. : 9282571",14,0);

>   RichViewEdit1->AddTextBlockNL("",14,0);

>   RichViewEdit1->AddTextBlockNL(GeneraDatosPersonales(iNumidenP),12,0);


>   stTexto = GeneraContenido(iNumidenP);

>   iLineaUno = stTexto.Pos("\n");


>   RichViewEdit1->AddTextBlockNL(stTexto.SubString(1,iLineaUno-1),15,3);

>   stTexto = stTexto.SubString(iLineaUno + 1,stTexto.Length());

>   RichViewEdit1->AddTextBlockNL(stTexto,15,4);


>   RichViewEdit1->AddTextBlockNL("",14,4);


>   RichViewEdit1->AddTextBlockNL("Atentamente",15,2);

>   RichViewEdit1->AddTextBlockNL("",14,0);


>   RichViewEdit1->AddTextBlockNL("Depto. de crédito y  branza",15,2);


> the options showpagebreak is set to true, so whats wrong


>  i got the 1.77 version , builder5 windows 2000


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