Re: Indy & TRichViewEdit for getting data from the internet

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Pieter E.

Posted: 12/19/2004 21:28:07

Dear Sergey,

When I try to use Indy with TRichViewEdit, there seems to be an error. The

error is: 'Cannot open file'. (I tried different

type of websites) It seems that my app doesn't make a connection with the

internet. (My firewall doesn't give me a warning...). When I try to download

images from IE with MS Word, my firewall always gives me a warning.

Do you have an idea??


Pieter E.

"Sergey Tkachenko" <> wrote:

>This option allows downloading images referenced from inserted HTML and



>Remove the dot from {.$DEFINE USEINDY}, recompile the packages.

>Place TIdHttp component on the form, and assign it to RVAControlPanel.IdHttp




>> Dear Sergey,


>> In the new RichViewAction v1.42 there is an options to set the {.$DEFINE

>> USEINDY}. I assume that this makes pasting data from IE, Opera & Firefox

>> possible. But how should I use this option?


>> When I remove the dot and install v1.42, and I insert a TRichViewEdit


>> a Form and try to paste data from a website (for example:


>> I get an error.


>> The error is that the images couldn't be inserted...


>> Could you explain me how it works??


>> Thanks.


>> Pieter E.



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