Re: Image issues with TRichViewEdit and saving as HTML

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Steven Brenner

Posted: 11/16/2003 20:30:43

Is there a way when saving as HTML to have the exported images created at

the scaled size?

An example of the issue:

User creates a document containing a number of hugh images where each image

is scaled to show as a thumbnail.  When exported as HTML I need the exported

jpeg images to match the scaled size as they are shown in the document not

the hugh original size.

I am getting complaints that the output (HTML and images) is too big or the

resultant HTML loads too slowly because my users are inserting megapixel

images into the document taken from digital cameras.  I can't control the

orginal document creation process (another application creates the documents)

- I am given an RTF document and expected to be able to deal with it.

Thanks for your time

Steven L.Brenner

"Sergey Tkachenko" <> wrote:

>Sorry, I do not understand the question.

>Jpegs images have some width and height. If not scaled, they are shown with

>this width and height both in TRichView and in Internet browser. If you

>resize them in TRichViewEdit (for example, with mouse), images will not


>changed, but displayed stretched (both in TRichView and in Internet browser)



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