Re: hyperlink target as hint

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Pieter E.

Posted: 04/28/2005 17:13:51

Problem has been solved!

The OnRVMouseMove doesn't react on moving the mouse!!

I've used the OnMouseMove.

Pieter E.

"Pieter E." <> wrote:


>Dear Sergey,


>I'd like to add an OnHint to my application using TRichViewEdit (when moving

>over hyperlinks). I've tried the sample below of Yoerdes but it doesn't


>I'm using TRichView v1.9.6.


>Could you give me some advise?




>Pieter E.


>Yoerdes <> wrote:

>>Yoerdes wrote:

>>> I'd like to show the target of a hyperlink in RVE as a hint when

>>> hovering above it with the hand cursor. How can I achieve this?


>>I found it. In case it saves somebody's time, here the solution:



>>procedure TForm1.rveRVMouseMove(Sender: TObject; id: Integer);


>>   Application.CancelHint;

>>   try

>>     if ID > -1 then

>>     {if ID = -1 then an AV happens; maybe the GetURL function should

>>handle this}

>>       rve.Hint := rve.RVData.GetURL(ID);

>>   finally

>>     Application.ShowHint := TRUE;

>>   end;









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