Re: How to insert gif

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Posted: 02/12/2003 11:19:42

Thanks Yenar,

BTW is the method the same when using Anders Melander TGifImage. Is the method

same as that of RX.


"Yernar" <> wrote:

>I use Delphi 5 (Update Pack 1) and Rx library:


>unit main;





>  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,

>  RVStyle, RVScroll, RichView, RxGIF;



>  TGifForm = class(TForm)

>    GifRichView: TRichView;

>    GifRVStyle: TRVStyle;

>    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

>  private

>  public

>  end;



>  GifForm: TGifForm;




>{$R *.DFM}


>procedure TGifForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);


>  gif: TGifImage;


>  gif := TGifImage.Create;

>  gif.LoadFromFile('keden.gif');

>  GifRichView.AddPictureEx('Gif', gif, 1, rvvaBaseLine);

>  GifRichView.Format;







>Sergey says that if your version of Delphi is lower than 6 (without Update

>Packs) it should look like this:


>unit main;





>  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,

>  RVStyle, RVScroll, RichView, RxGIF, RVFuncs;



>  TGifForm = class(TForm)

>    GifRichView: TRichView;

>    GifRVStyle: TRVStyle;

>    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

>  private

>  public

>  end;



>  GifForm: TGifForm;




>{$R *.DFM}


>function CreateGraphics(GraphicClass: TGraphicClass): TGraphic;


>  if GraphicClass = TGifImage then

>    Result := TGifImage.Create

>  else

>    Result := GraphicClass.Create;



>procedure TGifForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);


>  gif: TGifImage;


>  RV_CreateGraphics := CreateGraphics;

>  gif := TGifImage.Create;

>  gif.LoadFromFile('keden.gif');

>  GifRichView.AddPictureEx('Gif', gif, 1, rvvaBaseLine);

>  GifRichView.Format;




>  TPicture.RegisterFileFormat('gif', 'Gif Image', TGifImage);






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