Re: Help with highliting text

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Posted: 12/01/2003 10:41:16

I get a stack overflow as sonn as I type 1 charecter. It pulls up at the

line in the RVstyle unit which reads

FTextStyles[StyleNo].Draw(s2, Canvas, StyleNo,

                     SpaceBefore, Left, Top, Width, Height, Self, DrawState,


If I can't do it I am not fussed. I am simply looking for a way to show a

certain number of chars will be sent in a message and the rest will be

stored so maybe I will have to try something else.

Regards, peter

Sergey Tkachenko <> wrote in message


> Well, this is not so trivial (coloring the text completely, like they

> usually do in similar cases) would be much more easy.


> Ok, it looks like the code below works. But do not use it for very large

> documents.

> It assumes that the normal text attributes is in TextStyles[0], and red


> is in TextStyles[1].


> This code uses RVLinear unit. It is included in registered version of

> components, or can be downloaded here:



> // RichViewEdit1.OnChange


> procedure TForm3.RichViewEdit1Change(Sender: TObject);

> var SelStart, SelLength, Len: Integer;

> const Busy: Boolean = False;

>    MAXLEN = 300;

> begin

>   if not Busy then begin

>     Busy := True;

>     LockWindowUpdate(RichViewEdit1.Handle);

>     try

>       RVGetSelection(RichViewEdit1, SelStart, SelLength);

>       with RichViewEdit1 do

>         SetSelectionBounds(ItemCount-1, GetOffsAfterItem(ItemCount-1),

>           ItemCount-1, GetOffsAfterItem(ItemCount-1));

>       Len := RVGetLinearCaretPos(RichViewEdit1)-1;

>       if Len>MAXLEN then begin

>         RVSetSelection(RichViewEdit1, 1, MAXLEN);

>         RichViewEdit1.ApplyTextStyle(0);

>         RVSetSelection(RichViewEdit1, 1+MAXLEN, Len-MAXLEN);

>         RichViewEdit1.ApplyTextStyle(1);

>         end

>       else begin

>         RichViewEdit1.SelectAll;

>         RichViewEdit1.ApplyTextStyle(0);

>       end;

>       RVSetSelection(RichViewEdit1, SelStart, SelLength);

>     finally

>       LockWindowUpdate(0);

>     end;

>     Busy := False;

>   end;

> end;



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