Re: DBrve and Ole Problem. Strange !!!

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Posted: 02/14/2005 0:47:13

Yes I have Reassigned all these events correctly. Because I copied them from

your Editor1 demo.

But I have realized that the equation in olecontainer, already saved to database

before, can not be changed correctly in DBrve.

Please try it for me below order. You will see that not work correctly.

1. put DBrve component and bound it to a database.

2. Run application.

3. Input first record consist of An euqation (Oleobject) and save.

4. Close Application.

5. reRun the application and the first record is loaded. You will see the

equation and string items you have just saved.

6. without making any changing the record, double click the equation object

and change the equation and close the equation server with saving.

7. You will see the DBrve can not captured this changing and not uptade the

record content according to new equation. So You will not be able to save

the updated record (for example by going to another record by using moveprevios

or movenext methods, or else)

I could not resolve this problem.

Please help me.

I think I may be make a mistake or can not capture an important point.

Thank you.


"Sergey Tkachenko" <> wrote:

>Do you reassign all these events in OnControlAction event?

>Probably, the document is reloaded and all events are lost.



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