Re: Canvas

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Posted: 02/05/2002 0:13:26

Thank you

I have a RichViewEdit and want write to Canvas (MetaFile). But I don't want

write a RVF file before.

"Sergey Tkachenko" <> wrote:

>The simplest (but worst way) is using

>RichView.RVData.PaintTo(Canvas, Rect(0,0,$FFFFFFF,$FFFFFFF)).

>RichView must have desired width, and should be scrolled to the beginning



>Inserted controls will not be drawn.


>The best way is to use (undocumented) component TRVReportHelper.

>This component is very similar to TRVPrint, but

>- stores RVF document (not a reference to it)

>- allows to draw/print on any canvas in rectangle(s) of any sizes.


>Example of using:


>  // assigning properties and events of TRVReportHelper

>  // these assignments can be done in design time only in Delphi 6

>  helper.RichView.OnRVFImageListNeeded := helperRichViewRVFImageListNeeded;

>  helper.RichView.Style := RVStyle1;


>  // allowing loading of these classes from RVF files

>  RegisterClasses([TEdit, TButton]);

>  // loading demo file

>  helper.RichView.LoadRVF('readme.rvf');


> // formatting

>  helper.Init(Canvas, Width);

>  while helper.FormatNextPage(Height) do;



>Canvas - canvas to paint onto

>Width - width of output rectangle

>Height - maximal height of "page" (frame). If you set Height to very large

>value, all document will be drawn on one "page" (if it does not have page



>After that you can paint

>helper.DrawPage(PageNo, Canvas, True, Height);


>where PageNo - number of page (from 1).

>Left top corner of "page" will be in (0,0), use SetViewportOrgEx to move


>to another location.


>If you need an example, I can post it here.





>> How to transform a RVF file to Canvas ?



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